Antigua, Guatemala & Marrakesh, Morocco | 2021 - 2023
Experience House
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Senior Producer & Community Relations
My role entailed, being responsible for the production of the experience from the moment an applicant is admitted and confirms their spot. Along with, owning alumni integration and relations before and after the events.
Pre & During Events
- Review new applications & performs triage for the interview process
- Project manager; running core team coordination to ensure the team is thriving & reaching their goals.
- Venue set up & design.
- Handling of all production & programming related matters.
- Design & facilitate in-house programming; welcome sequence, opening ceremony, wellness, weekend experiences & closing ceremony.
- Manage others in roles of logistics, operations, pre-production & programming.
- Overlook operations & coordination, which includes: coordinating with local liaison, handling F&B and transportation.
Post Event
- Alumni integration and relations before and after the events.
- Maintain & manage community relationships (through calls, virtual communication, events etc.)
“We must learn about other cultures in order to understand, in order to love, and in order to preserve our common world heritage.”
– Yo Yo Ma, White House Conference on Culture and Diplomacy.”
“The primary role of the group facilitator is to focus the group on its purpose and act as a guardian of the group culture.”
– Dale Hunter, extracts from his book ‘The Art of Facilitation’
“nākaloka is a full cycle experience of the senses presented by monica dogra and victorien with world flutes, sacred chants, recitations and movements, and a greater invitation to drink of the amrut of divination in community. .”
– Produced by Reem, Roya & Victorian at Experience House in Morocco.
“Community is not an idea; it is people. It is you and I. In community we are called to love people just as they are with their wounds and their gifts, not as we want them to be.”
– Jean Vanier